[ This article is avail in French – La cellulite, les crèmes contre les rides, et le thé vert : des conseils sans produits chimiques toxiques pour ralentir le vieillissement. ] |
JUMP to Daily anti-aging regimen |
By Kristina Vidug & Dihan Chandra, Organic Lifestyle |
When it comes to your complexion, it’s no secret that every woman wants to know how to slow down the hands of time, if not stop it in its tracks completely. In this day and age where the almighty Botox reigns supreme, and where we are constantly bombarded with images of celebs who seem to grow younger as time passes, we really want to know what we can do to maintain our skin at its best and avoid wrinkles. And I should know. As I enter my late twenties, I’m starting to notice the fine lines around my eyes and wonder what kinds of lifestyle changes I can make that will help prevent these lines from getting any deeper. No longer in your twenties? No worries, I’ve got tips that I would share with my mum and my grandmother. Now, I won’t list off the natural anti-aging products you can try, but you can check out some links at the bottom. And don’t even get me started on the conventional anti-aging wrinkle cream products out there, which actually may do more harm than good. These products tend to be full of questionable preservatives like parabens, BHT, and formaldehyde-releasing DMDM hydantoin. (See this Ecoholic article for more info.) Also, don’t miss our suggested Daily anti-aging regimen below.
Late 20s and Beyond So, the honeymoon phase of having a care-free approach to your skin is coming to a close. If you’re anything like me, that phase was very short-lived. The time between when I stopped having to worry about breakouts and when I started noticing smile lines went by in a blur. This is the time to start preventing wrinkles before they start:
Hints for My Mum (Your 50s and beyond) By now, you’re starting to show the wisdom of your years and your laugh lines are a little more pronounced (the sign of a life well-lived, if you ask me!). There are still steps that you can take in order to stop the lines from getting deeper. In addition to those healthy habits you picked up in your twenties, here are some other things to consider:
“You will see a difference in as little as three days,” starting with “a radiant glow, puffiness diminished, and your skin will look more toned. You will see changes in cholesterol levels as your good cholesterol goes up and your blood pressure returns to a normal level. [And] you will have more energy and elevated moods.” – dermatologist Nicholas V. Perricone, MD, a clinical professor of medicine at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Mich., and the author of The Perricone Prescription and The Wrinkle Cure: Unlock the Power of Cosmeceuticals for Supple, Youthful Skin. Tips for Grandma (Your 70s and beyond) The effects of being care-free with your skin during your younger years are now beginning to show, but, fear not, all is not lost! There are still ways to maintain a dewy glow.
So, there you have it, folks. Advice across the generations for warding off wrinkles and maintaining a youthful glow. This might sound like re-hashing of concepts you’ve already heard but ask yourself, whether you actually practice them. For instance, I can’t remember the last time I had 7 servings of fruits and vegetables in a day. Regardless of age or sex, your Daily anti-aging regimen should include:
Peckish? Almonds pack skin-plumping fats and vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that helps offset UV damage. Dark chocolate with a cacao content of 72 percent or higher is rich in damage-fighting antioxidants as well. Blueberries give you a magic combo of antioxidants and collagen-protecting vitamin C. Takeout? Read why you should go Indian! But, always remember: “Wrinkles should merely indicate where the smiles have been.” ― Mark Twain If considering Safer natural anti-aging products: Can you recommend a good natural anti-aging cream?, Buying Tips: Natural Anti-Aging Creams Do anti-aging supplements actually work? Anti-Aging: The Truth Behind 5 Key Products ** Disclaimer – This article represents the opinions of Organic Lifestyle but does not make any claim to be being a subject matter expert in this area. Consult your medical practitioner prior to any treatment. Also, while listing these companies, Organic Lifestyle makes no representation regarding the products, services or business practices of the named companies. Organic Lifestyle would like to thank Master Juicer Carole Belmonte of Toronto based Belmonte Raw Juice, Homeopath Natasha Narayan and Adria Vasil (via Ecoholic column) for their respective inspiration. SHOULD WE COVER ANY OTHER AREAS? pl comment on our FB page |
Cellulite, Anti-Aging Wrinkle Creams and Green Tea – Toxic Chemical Free Tips to Slow Aging