Organic Lifestyle believes that together, we are stronger.
We have a long history of supporting the efforts of like minded organizations and a fundamental belief in the power of informed decisions.
Organic Lifestyle’s History of Giving Back
Thus, we invite you to explore like-minded organizations that are equally passionate about being the change they want to see in the world.
Dihan (Managing Director, Organic Lifestyle) has known Rob Shirkey, Executive Director and Founder of Our Horizon for a few years now and is always inspired by Rob’s passion to get climate change labels on gas pumps.
Recent win: On January 26, 2015, West Vancouver Council unanimously passed a resolution “that all vendors of retail petroleum products in Canada be legislated to provide warning labels on all pump handles.” This resolution has since been supported by numerous communities across Canada. See CBC article
Proposed warning label samples. Courtesy: Our Horizon
Next we’d like to introduce you to Embark who Dihan visited on a recent trip to Sri Lanka. Its different from animal shelters in that Embark is raising the awareness of compassion towards animals and providing medical care to stray dogs in need. Its the full time passion project of a local entrepreneur and is making a real difference. Thus, consider Sponsoring an animal as current exchange rates would have a significant impact.
Photo credit: Wishing Well Animal Sanctuary
Closer to home, based just outside of Toronto is the Wishing Well Animal Sanctuary where Dihan had the opportunity to volunteer one summer. He performed rewarding physical labour without complaint simply excited to be able to do something, in this case working with rescued industrial animals. The owner Brenda runs Farm tours, popular with families and school trip kids alike as it gives them an opportunity to learn about our relationship with animals, dispelling myths about animal’s innate characteristics. For instance, did you know that pigs can be taught to ‘Sit’ on command similar to a dog?
We believe that education is instrumental in changing societal mindset.
For instance, how would you significantly reduce your personal impact on climate change?
Would you consider becoming vegan to save the planet??
The logic is less red meat can reduce global demand on supply chain resources such as water, energy, land, methane produced from flatulence etc by 1/3 (not to mention potential health benefits). Plus, it could be the one thing each individual could do to have a significant impact to reduce their climate change footprint.
Before you decide, perhaps the overarching issue is that in this hectic, time poor lifestyle, we’re less connected to nature and all its inhabitants?
My belief is that if we had a stronger connection to nature, enough that our kids developed their own love of nature, then we’re headed in a better direction.
That’s why I really like the P.I.N.E project